In digital radiology the image is captured by a photographic film, which is scanned and processed. Once it is sent to the computer, you can work on the image to make adjustments. It contributes to an important improvement in the management of patients’ clinical history since, apart from remaining as electronic information and being available to any health care provider anywhere, it can be visualized, enlarged, change the contrast, positive, rotate, etc.
Mammography remains today the test par excellence in breast diagnostics in most cases. It is a radiological technique that uses X-rays for the detection of images. The development in recent years of digital detectors of radiation has allowed to obtain a complete sweep of the breast and a significant improvement in the quality of the image. In digital mammography, the use of pixels of minimal size allows for extensions sufficiently diagnostic to detect tumors less than 3mm.
An abdominal ultrasound is an imaging test. It is used to examine internal organs in the abdomen, such as the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys. The blood vessels that go to some of these organs can also be examined with ultrasound.
Musculoskeletal ultrasound is a technique in constant advance and development increasingly important in the clinical practice of the physiotherapist, both in the diagnosis of physiotherapy and in the subsequent treatment. It is a dynamic, very effective tool that the physiotherapists of Policlinic Lloret use within the physical examination of the patient allowing them, in real time and in a comparative way, to objectively evaluate the injured tissue, with it, to properly program the Physiotherapy program and, At the same time, evaluate in the successive sessions the evolution with the physiotherapy treatment received.
Ultrasound is a diagnostic technique that uses ultrasound to define the organs of the human body. It uses a device (ultrasound) capable of emitting ultrasound, a frequency wave outside the spectrum that is capable of capturing the human ear. These waves penetrate the body until they “bounce” in certain structures. According to its architecture, the different structural elements of the organ (vessels, tissues, etc.), provide acoustic properties by virtue of which the ultrasound generates images that represent the organ.
The three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound, as the name suggests, is a representation in the three dimensions of the space of the images obtained by conventional two-dimensional ultrasound

The 4D ultrasound is a technique that allows the visualization of the fetus in three dimensions and in real time, that is, to be able to observe the fetus in movement.

With these techniques and provided that the conditions of the examination are adequate, we can visualize the fetus moving, just as if we were inside the maternal womb. The images can present a high quality and realism, having shown that this exploration can increase the affective bond of the parents with the future child.

Echocardiography, also known as cardiac ultrasound or echocardiography, is a health technology that uses standard ultrasound (ultrasound) techniques to produce images of two-dimensional slices of the heart. In addition, the latest ultrasound systems now employ real-time 3D images. Since its inception, imaging techniques have been improving; modes A and B (one-dimensional) were perfected to the M mode. This one, still used frequently, represents on the screen a single beam of the 2D mode and is used in a complementary way to it, allowing to explore concrete structures with greater precision.

Currently, the most used mode is 2D, which allows us to obtain images in real time and in two dimensions (flat cuts of the heart, in different axes). In addition, it can be complemented with other techniques such as tissue Doppler or contrasts. Recently, the use of 3D echocardiography is spreading.

Non-invasive diagnostic method that uses ultrasound to evaluate the structure and function of the heart, its valves and the blood vessels of the child in any of its stages.

In most children, it is requested to rule out a cardiac problem of congenital origin.

This type of study can be requested by the Pediatrician or the Cardiologist-Pediatrician when he hears a murmur during the examination of the child. Sometimes this study is requested when the child complains of chest pain, shortness of breath, easy fatigue, when he has presented loss of consciousness or change in skin color.

It can also be indicated in those children in whom it is intended to know how the heart works before or after receiving certain types of medications.

It is a paraclinical test that determines alterations in upper and lower airways and is of great importance for the early diagnosis of diseases of this system, as well as for its monitoring and control. In the working area, spirometry is of the utmost importance because it allows determine if the risk factors to which workers are exposed in their workplace may be deteriorating lung function; information necessary to take preventive measures and respiratory protection depending on the position, the risk factor and the source to which they are exposed. We perform spirometry under the NIOSH protocol, we have a state-of-the-art spirometry reporting flow-volume curves.
Policlinic Lloret has a clinical analysis service in association with various professional laboratories.

Con el objetivo de aportar información que permite a los especialistas establecer un diagnóstico, hacer un seguimiento o actuar para prevenir una enfermedad, esta unidad del Servicio de Diagnósticos está preparada con tecnologías de última generación mediante la adquisición de equipos analíticos automáticos y la implementación de los últimos modelos de softwares de gestión para unificar y estandarizar procesos.

Asimismo, el laboratorio cumple con los estándares de calidad internacionales, consiguiendo la máxima fiabilidad y exactitud en los resultados.

An audiometric test evaluates one’s ability to hear sounds. The sounds vary according to the volume or force (intensity) and the speed of vibration of the sound waves (tone). Hearing occurs when the sound waves stimulate the nerves of the inner ear. Finally, sound travels along the nerve pathways to the brain. Sound waves can travel to the inner ear through the external auditory canal, the eardrum, and the bones of the middle ear (air conduction) or through the bones. that are around and behind the ear (bone conduction).
It is a non-invasive and very effective technique that offers a global record of the electrical activity of the heart, during a determined period of time, normally 24 hours, revealing any disorder that may arise. In this way, the collected data allow the continuous reading of the rhythm, the frequency and the electrical characteristics of the heart and its subsequent diagnostic evaluation.WHAT IS IT FOR? The Holter is an instrument capable of detecting arrhythmias, morphological alterations of the heart, as well as disorders derivatives of coronary heart disease or ischemic heart disease, so it is usually prescribed when the patient suffers chest pain, palpitations or dizziness and even to control the effects of a certain medication that occur after having given the patient a certain medication.
Diagnostic test that allows the recording of blood pressure figures continuously during a certain pre-established period of time. The record is made by using a device known as a voltage holter consisting of a portable sphygmomanometer (device that measures the blood pressure figures) connected to a recorder in which the data obtained is recorded for further analysis. HOW TO PERFORM STUDY The cuff, like those of usual measurement, is placed in the non-dominant arm of the patient. The cables are camouflaged under the clothes and connected to the recording equipment, about 12 x 10 cm (like a radio cassette) that is attached to the belt. It works with batteries that give autonomy for approximately 200 readings. At 24 or 48 hours the equipment is removed and with the help of a computer, the reading and interpretation of all the measurements is made. Generally, average values ​​of 24 hours, day and night periods and percentages above predetermined values ​​are presented. A graph is usually drawn that reflects the behavior of blood pressure throughout the day and night.
Ergometry, also called stress test, is the diagnostic test that consists in making a record of the electrocardiogram during a controlled effort.
In digital radiology the image is captured by a photographic film, which is scanned and processed. Once it is sent to the computer, you can work on the image to make adjustments. It contributes to an important improvement in the management of patients’ clinical history since, apart from remaining as electronic information and being available to any health care provider anywhere, it can be visualized, enlarged, change the contrast, positive, rotate, etc.
Mammography remains today the test par excellence in breast diagnostics in most cases. It is a radiological technique that uses X-rays for the detection of images. The development in recent years of digital detectors of radiation has allowed to obtain a complete sweep of the breast and a significant improvement in the quality of the image. In digital mammography, the use of pixels of minimal size allows for extensions sufficiently diagnostic to detect tumors less than 3mm.
An abdominal ultrasound is an imaging test. It is used to examine internal organs in the abdomen, such as the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys. The blood vessels that go to some of these organs can also be examined with ultrasound.
Musculoskeletal ultrasound is a technique in constant advance and development increasingly important in the clinical practice of the physiotherapist, both in the diagnosis of physiotherapy and in the subsequent treatment. It is a dynamic, very effective tool that the physiotherapists of Policlinic Lloret use within the physical examination of the patient allowing them, in real time and in a comparative way, to objectively evaluate the injured tissue, with it, to properly program the Physiotherapy program and, At the same time, evaluate in the successive sessions the evolution with the physiotherapy treatment received.
Ultrasound is a diagnostic technique that uses ultrasound to define the organs of the human body. It uses a device (ultrasound) capable of emitting ultrasound, a frequency wave outside the spectrum that is capable of capturing the human ear. These waves penetrate the body until they “bounce” in certain structures. According to its architecture, the different structural elements of the organ (vessels, tissues, etc.), provide acoustic properties by virtue of which the ultrasound generates images that represent the organ.
The three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound, as the name suggests, is a representation in the three dimensions of the space of the images obtained by conventional two-dimensional ultrasound

The 4D ultrasound is a technique that allows the visualization of the fetus in three dimensions and in real time, that is, to be able to observe the fetus in movement.

With these techniques and provided that the conditions of the examination are adequate, we can visualize the fetus moving, just as if we were inside the maternal womb. The images can present a high quality and realism, having shown that this exploration can increase the affective bond of the parents with the future child.

Echocardiography, also known as cardiac ultrasound or echocardiography, is a health technology that uses standard ultrasound (ultrasound) techniques to produce images of two-dimensional slices of the heart. In addition, the latest ultrasound systems now employ real-time 3D images. Since its inception, imaging techniques have been improving; modes A and B (one-dimensional) were perfected to the M mode. This one, still used frequently, represents on the screen a single beam of the 2D mode and is used in a complementary way to it, allowing to explore concrete structures with greater precision.

Currently, the most used mode is 2D, which allows us to obtain images in real time and in two dimensions (flat cuts of the heart, in different axes). In addition, it can be complemented with other techniques such as tissue Doppler or contrasts. Recently, the use of 3D echocardiography is spreading.

Non-invasive diagnostic method that uses ultrasound to evaluate the structure and function of the heart, its valves and the blood vessels of the child in any of its stages.

In most children, it is requested to rule out a cardiac problem of congenital origin.

This type of study can be requested by the Pediatrician or the Cardiologist-Pediatrician when he hears a murmur during the examination of the child. Sometimes this study is requested when the child complains of chest pain, shortness of breath, easy fatigue, when he has presented loss of consciousness or change in skin color.

It can also be indicated in those children in whom it is intended to know how the heart works before or after receiving certain types of medications.

It is a paraclinical test that determines alterations in upper and lower airways and is of great importance for the early diagnosis of diseases of this system, as well as for its monitoring and control. In the working area, spirometry is of the utmost importance because it allows determine if the risk factors to which workers are exposed in their workplace may be deteriorating lung function; information necessary to take preventive measures and respiratory protection depending on the position, the risk factor and the source to which they are exposed. We perform spirometry under the NIOSH protocol, we have a state-of-the-art spirometry reporting flow-volume curves.
Policlinic Lloret has a clinical analysis service in association with various professional laboratories.

Con el objetivo de aportar información que permite a los especialistas establecer un diagnóstico, hacer un seguimiento o actuar para prevenir una enfermedad, esta unidad del Servicio de Diagnósticos está preparada con tecnologías de última generación mediante la adquisición de equipos analíticos automáticos y la implementación de los últimos modelos de softwares de gestión para unificar y estandarizar procesos.

Asimismo, el laboratorio cumple con los estándares de calidad internacionales, consiguiendo la máxima fiabilidad y exactitud en los resultados.

An audiometric test evaluates one’s ability to hear sounds. The sounds vary according to the volume or force (intensity) and the speed of vibration of the sound waves (tone). Hearing occurs when the sound waves stimulate the nerves of the inner ear. Finally, sound travels along the nerve pathways to the brain. Sound waves can travel to the inner ear through the external auditory canal, the eardrum, and the bones of the middle ear (air conduction) or through the bones. that are around and behind the ear (bone conduction).
It is a non-invasive and very effective technique that offers a global record of the electrical activity of the heart, during a determined period of time, normally 24 hours, revealing any disorder that may arise. In this way, the collected data allow the continuous reading of the rhythm, the frequency and the electrical characteristics of the heart and its subsequent diagnostic evaluation.WHAT IS IT FOR? The Holter is an instrument capable of detecting arrhythmias, morphological alterations of the heart, as well as disorders derivatives of coronary heart disease or ischemic heart disease, so it is usually prescribed when the patient suffers chest pain, palpitations or dizziness and even to control the effects of a certain medication that occur after having given the patient a certain medication.
Diagnostic test that allows the recording of blood pressure figures continuously during a certain pre-established period of time. The record is made by using a device known as a voltage holter consisting of a portable sphygmomanometer (device that measures the blood pressure figures) connected to a recorder in which the data obtained is recorded for further analysis. HOW TO PERFORM STUDY The cuff, like those of usual measurement, is placed in the non-dominant arm of the patient. The cables are camouflaged under the clothes and connected to the recording equipment, about 12 x 10 cm (like a radio cassette) that is attached to the belt. It works with batteries that give autonomy for approximately 200 readings. At 24 or 48 hours the equipment is removed and with the help of a computer, the reading and interpretation of all the measurements is made. Generally, average values ​​of 24 hours, day and night periods and percentages above predetermined values ​​are presented. A graph is usually drawn that reflects the behavior of blood pressure throughout the day and night.
Ergometry, also called stress test, is the diagnostic test that consists in making a record of the electrocardiogram during a controlled effort.
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