Obtaining and Renewal of licenses
Spanish legislation obliges you to renew your driving license once its validity period has expired.
You just have to come to our center with your driver’s license and ID or passport. We will carry out the examination without waiting and attended by our professionals.
Online booking offer: €60 + traffic fees*
To consider
- You don't need to bring photography.
- You leave with a provisional card, valid for 180 days, and in a few days you receive the card at your home.
- You can process the renewal of your driving license up to 3 months before its expiration, without losing the validity date.
- We take care of all the processing to renew your driving license. You no longer need to go into Traffic department.
* According to new regulations, foreign citizens residing in Spain, coming from a country belonging to the EU, must renew their driving license from January 19, 2015.
When should I renew my driver's license?
Spanish legislation obliges you to renew your driving license once its validity period has expired.
Each Driving License has a validity period (see validity period).
The validity of the permits is conditioned on the fact that the holder has not totally lost his points and that he maintains the requirements demanded for its granting.
Likewise, the period of validity of the various types of permit may be reduced if, at the time of its granting or the extension of its validity, it is verified that its holder suffers from an illness or deficiency that, although at the moment it does not prevent it, is susceptible to aggravate.
Causes that prevent renewal:
a) The deprivation by judicial resolution of the right to drive motor vehicles and mopeds.
b) The intervention; precautionary measure or suspension of the permit or license, whether they have been agreed in judicial or administrative proceedings.
What is the validity period?
The class B permit is valid for 10 years up to the age of 65. From the age of 65 the validity is 5 years.
Permits of classes BTP, C1, C1 + E, C, C + E, D1, D1 + E, D and D + E: *Five years as long as the holder is not 65 years of age. *From the age of 65 the validity period will be three years.
Can I renew my card if it has already expired? And if many years ago?
The holder of the permit or license whose validity has expired, may obtain the extension, being exempted from taking the knowledge control tests and the aptitude and behavior control tests.
It does not matter how much time has elapsed since its expiration.
Currently it is possible to renew it without problems and without added costs.
I have vision problems and/or a chronic illness, can I renew my driving license?
Of course, but you must bring a report from your doctor or ophthalmologist attesting to your state of health/vision.
* According to the new regulation at the end of 2014, and in line with European guidelines, it is necessary for all those with a community driving license and residents in Spain to renew their driving license in Spain, in the following cases:
a) Holders of community driving licenses that have expired or are about to expire.
b) Holders of indefinite community driving licenses or with a validity term of more than 15 years for Group 1 permits (AM,A1,A2, A, B and BE) or a term of more than 5 years for Group licenses 2 (BTP,C1, C1E,C, CE,D1,D1E,D,DE), as long as they have legal residence in Spain two years after January 19, 2013, or earlier.
In order to obtain a driver’s license, it is necessary to meet the required psychophysical aptitudes in relation to the type of license requested.
You will need to present a medical certificate attesting to these skills at your driving school (or provincial traffic headquarters).
You just have to come to our center with your driver’s license and ID or passport. We will carry out the examination without waiting and attended by our professionals.
If you have any other driving license, you must bring it.
Online booking offer: €40
To consider
- You only need to bring your ID or passport, and glasses (if you need them)*
- You leave with a provisional card, valid for 180 days, and in a few days you receive the card at your home.
- We immediately deliver the medical report necessary to obtain your driving license.
To obtain or renew any weapons license, you will need to provide a medical certificate issued by a Recognition Center.
To consider
- You need to bring your ID.
- You will need a passport photograph, which we can take for you or you can bring.
- We create and deliver to you on the spot the certificate of psychophysical aptitudes required to obtain or renew your weapons license.
Online booking offer: €60
Type B - Pistols and revolvers
They must be renewed every 3 years.
From the age of 60, a visa must be issued every 2 years, after the interested party has submitted a favorable report, issued by an authorized recognition center.
After the age of 70, the renewal must be carried out annually.
Type C - Weapons for surveillance and nursery
The type C weapons license covers firearms of categories 1st, 2nd.1 and 3rd.2, or the weapons of war referred to in section 3 of article 6 of the Weapons Regulations, depending on the service to be provided .
This license is reserved for security guards and private escorts of security companies, explosive guards and rural guards.
Type C licenses will be valid exclusively during the time of provision of the security service determining their concession and will not be valid when their holders are out of service.
The validity of the licenses will be conditioned to the maintenance of the requirements required for its granting.
The competent bodies for issuing them can verify such maintenance at any time and, otherwise, they will proceed to revoke them.
In type C weapons licenses, the photograph of the document must be updated every 5 years.
Type D - Long rifled guns for big game
They are valid for 5 years.
People over 60 years of age will need a visa every 2 years and those over 70 years of age must be renewed annually.
Type E - Sport shooting weapons and hunting shotguns
Valid for 5 years.
From the age of 60, a visa must be issued every 2 years, after the interested party has submitted a favorable report, issued by an authorized recognition center.
After the age of 70, the renewal must be carried out annually.
Type F - Weapons for use in fields, galleries and shooting ranges
License validity period 3 years; those athletes who, except in exceptional cases, have not carried out sports activities for a year, will lose the type F license.
* According to new regulations, foreign citizens residing in Spain, coming from a country belonging to the EU, must renew their driving license from January 19, 2015.
* According to the new regulation at the end of 2014, and in line with European guidelines, it is necessary for all those with a community driving license and residents in Spain to renew their driving license in Spain, in the following cases:
a) Holders of community driving licenses that have expired or are about to expire.
b) Holders of indefinite community driving licenses or with a validity term of more than 15 years for Group 1 permits (AM,A1,A2, A, B and BE) or a term of more than 5 years for Group licenses 2 (BTP,C1, C1E,C, CE,D1,D1E,D,DE), as long as they have legal residence in Spain two years after January 19, 2013, or earlier.
Nautical titles must be renewed every 10 years, except for people over 70 years of age, who must renew every 5 years.
Applications must be submitted to: Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Environment.
Online booking offer: €60
To consider
- You need to bring your ID.
- You will need a passport photograph, which we can take for you or you can bring.
- We provide and deliver on the spot the mandatory psychophysical aptitude certificate for obtaining or renewing your skipper's license.
Basic Navigation Skipper (PNB)
Government of recreational boats of up to 8 meters in length if they are sailboats and up to 7.5 meters in length if they are motorized, with the appropriate motor power for it.
In addition, they will be able to govern nautical motorcycles.
Recreational Boat Skipper (PER)
Government of recreational boats, motor or motor and sail, up to 12 meters. of length and adequate engine power, for navigations carried out between the coast and the line of 12 miles parallel to it.
As well as inter-island navigation in the Balearic and Canary archipelagos.
Yacht skipper
Government of recreational boats, motor or motor and sail, up to 20 meters. of length and adequate engine power, for navigations carried out between the coast and the line of 60 miles parallel to it.
Yacht captain
Government of recreational boats, motor or motor and sail, without limitation.
Consult the rates for other related services.
- Cranes
- Oppositions
- Dangerous dogs
- Private security
- Work / Residence